Our Rabbi

Rabbi Aaron Marsh became the spiritual leader in 2023. Rabbi Aaron Marsh has had extensive experience serving Jewish communities both before and after his 2018 ordination from the pluralistic Academy for Jewish Religion in Yonkers. His experience includes being a Jewish educator, shaliach tzibbur and ba-al korei, a variety of synagogue lay and professional leadership roles, and being a Boy Scout leader (having earned Eagle Scout himself in one of the oldest Jewish Scout troops in the nation).

He previously served as a congregational rabbi in Oceanside, as well as upstate in Rochester. Rabbi Marsh also holds a MA in Jewish Studies and a Certificate in Judaism and Science from the Academy for Jewish Religion and sits on the board of its alumni/professional association, the Association of Rabbis and Cantors.

In his pre-rabbinical life, he was a software engineer, designing systems to notify citizens of emergencies, and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Mathematics from Rochester Institute of Technology. He is also an aficionado of science fiction, rollerblading, and terrible puns.